Polk County Sheriff’s Office
All classes are limited to 35 students unless otherwise noted. Current Agency ID with PID# required for attendance.
Upcoming Training
FEBRUARY 18: Critical Incident Training
Limit 35 students
FEBRUARY 21: De-escalation training
Limit 35 students
Join the Polk County Sheriff's Office for a crucial training course mandated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. This one-day class, focused on school shootings and active shooter response, is intended for executive leaders in law enforcement, including Chiefs, Sheriffs, and Rangers from across Texas.
Course Details:
Date: May 12, 2025
Location: Polk County Commerce Center, Livingston, TX
Duration: 8 hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Capacity: Limited to 150 participants
To register, please use the “registration form” link above.
Training Center Rules of Conduct
Dress Code: Comfortable and casual professional attire is encouraged. Cutoffs, flip-flops, tank tops, or similar attire are not permitted. T-shirts with slogans or graphics other than agency graphics are prohibited. All caps/hats will be removed in the classroom.
Attendance: You’re expected to attend all sessions. The class instructor has the discretion to approve absences in advance. We understand that emergencies do occur. However, you will be assigned makeup work for the portion of the session that you missed. In order to get credit for the course, makeup work will be due within 24 hours of completion of the course.
Tardiness: Out of courtesy to the instructor and your fellow students, please arrive on time. If you arrive late or return from a break late, you must request permission from the instructor or training coordinator to enter the class.
Breaks: You will have adequate breaks scheduled throughout the course. Please take care of personal matters during the breaks and refrain from leaving the room during the sessions.
Tobacco products: No smoking or other tobacco use is permitted in the building. Smoking is permitted in designated areas outside the building.
Cellular phones: Turn off all cellular phones or set them to silent or vibrate mode. There will be NO TEXTING while in class; text messaging and returning phone calls will be done on break. No phone calls will be taken during class.
Student conduct: All students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Negative or disruptive behavior which impedes the learning environment will not be tolerated.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Our goal is to provide quality training in a quality learning environment.
Byron Lyons
Polk County Sheriff & Training Coordinator